• hiking with kids

    Hiking with Kids

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Tips for Hiking with Kids

Hiking with the family should be an enjoyable and fun experience and not stressful. To help you have an easy going hiking experience with your little ones, here are six tips to follow next time you set out on a hike with the kiddos:

Pack The Basics

When hiking with kids you want to always be sure that you have all the essentials with you. This can make a world of difference for your hiking experience. Making sure that you have all the basic essentials for you and your kids could save you a return to base trip to retrieve something that you have forgotten.

  • Sunscreen
  • Food and water
  • First-aid kit
  • Rain Gear
  • Hats
  • Bug spray
  • Extra clothes

Proper Gear

Always pack the best gear for your children to keep them safe and comfortable. One of the most important things you can make sure they have is appropriate hiking shoes.

Start Small & Close To Home

Kids get bored easily, and are moe prone to exhaustion and other issues from hiking and overexertion. Stick close to home to avoid wasting gas and time, and start with shorter hikes that way they can have the hiking experience without it being too long and boring them.


Snacks are so important when hiking with children. Kids need a lot more fuel for hiking and staying energized. Granola, dry cereal, nuts and other small snacks are easy and lightweight and tasty!

Follow The Leader

Keeping children entertained and engaged on a hike is important as well. Try giving one of the children a “leadership” role, where they get to lead the hiking group. If you have multiple children you can switch the role every so often until the hike is complete.


Be prepared for the kids to ask a whole lotta questions about “whats this?”, “Why that” and more. Make the hike educational and fun for the kids by being prepared to answer questions about different plant and animal species.

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